REVIEW: Secret Society(2021)

Have y'all seen "Secret Society" released in 2021?

Secret Society is currently streaming on Tubi and available to rent on Prime Video. I'd rate this move 4.5 / 5 ⭐️, and here's why:

Cinematography on this move is amazing. I can tell that whomever is behind the camera definitely knows what they are doing, and how to pan the shots perfectly to the viewers. I was very impressed by the production/editing quality. So impressed, that I could've sworn I was watching this on a major network, or even in a movie theater.

Hair, makeup, and costumes seemed very authentic to the characters, which is a bit of a pet peeve of mine when watching a movie, so I was thoroughly impressed.

Music selection for Secret Society was definitely on point, whether it was a club, heartbreaking or suspense scene, the mood for scenes was very well established. I also took note that the sound quality was great, no echos in any scene, which is missed skill for most independent films.

Acting was overall great, despite some cliche lines from the cast. I feel like the leading ladies (Reyna Love and Erica Pinkett) did a great job portraying their characters, in a way that brought authenticity to the film.

Writing for Secret Society could have been a little stronger at times. By the end of the move I caught myself asking "why would they introduce this character in the first place" but I didn't let that get me too distracted. Although some subsequent story lines didn't seem to be necessary, the writing team (Jamal Hill, Miasha Coleman) did not deviate from the main plot, and I feel like they delivered non-stop gasps.

Jamal Hill was the mastermind behind this film, and did an excellent job directing. I'm looking forward to his future projects, and will be adding him to my upcoming directors to look out for.

Overall, this movie was definitely a fun time watching! I just heard that a sequel was released THIS YEAR!!!

Have you watched Secret Society? What did you think? Subscribe to Recaps With Mae on YouTube to get a spoiler-filled review!


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