REVIEW: Secret Society(2021)

Have y'all seen "Secret Society" released in 2021? Secret Society is currently streaming on Tubi and available to rent on Prime Video . I'd rate this move 4.5 / 5 , and here's why: Cinematography on this move is amazing. I can tell that whomever is behind the camera definitely knows what they are doing, and how to pan the shots perfectly to the viewers. I was very impressed by the production/editing quality. So impressed, that I could've sworn I was watching this on a major network, or even in a movie theater. Hair, makeup, and costumes seemed very authentic to the characters, which is a bit of a pet peeve of mine when watching a movie, so I was thoroughly impressed. Music selection for Secret Society was definitely on point, whether it was a club, heartbreaking or suspense scene, the mood for scenes was very well established. I also took note that the sound quality was great, no echos in any scene, which is missed skill for most independent films. Acting...